Vocal Lesson Analogy


Why take vocal lessons from a trained and experienced vocal coach?

Many people shove off the idea of taking vocal lessons, they either think they can already sing well and do not need coaching or if their friends find out they'll be embarrassed with the mind set that "hey he or she needs coaching they can't be that good" or something to that effect.Both of these mindsets are myths and completely wrong.


You may have already developed a great voice so why start now? Or why go back?

Having a great voice takes many disciplines, constant practice, thoughtful rest periods and proper technique. Having a coach that can listen intently to discover what your vocal strengths and weaknesses are and then prescribe a technique or exercise to improve your voice is the reason why you should keep a great vocal coach number at hand. The best of the best will use coaches even after years of training and performing to be sure they are on the top of their game. Many singers and producers will even take a vocal coach to the recording studio to be sure the artist performs their best take (recording track).


Why should I take lessons from a vocal coach in person if I can just learn online for free?

There are many vocal lessons online as well well as various vocal coaches be sure to check them out. Once you do, compare the presentations of each one. You will find that there are many inconsistencies as I have. Also, if you are taking lessons in person the vocal coach can readily hear "you" and respond to "your" personal needs. This is very, very, important as it is very easy to misinterpret what you see and hear online as you apply it to your own voice.


Developing a strong and healthy breath control technique!

Learning how to breathe properly and how to apply breath to support your voice is very important. Even just the basic breath control form can take months to develop,  Muscle and breath to vocal synchronization also takes time to develop and there are many exercises. At my vocal studio I find that even intermediate to advanced singers can lose their focus or their own ability to regain proper breath control. All of the best upper vocal and tonal techniques can fail fast if you lose your breathing technique or have been taught somewhat wrong in the past, Sometimes a strong female singer will lose their breath support after having gone through pregnancy, even after of having gone through pregnancy breath training. This is because that it can be very traumatic on your abdominal muscles. Whether it was a natural birth or  if she had a C section these muscles need time to repair and then they need to be retrained for the voice


Everyone is slightly different!

In my opinion, I do not think it is wise to try to learn on your own based off of what you learn on the internet or even in a live video conference type setting which would still be better than the self learning from the internet. Why? Everyone is different and unless the student is right there in the same room a vocal coach cannot fully see and hear what is going on with your voice and body mechanics. At my vocal studio the student receives my full attention, my knowledge and experience derived from of both stage and recording performance as well as from producing and engineering professional recordings. I also have mixed sound for many years (30). I have had extensive vocal training with one of the best, if not the best coach on the east coast (Jerry Neby). I also use my martial arts experience (Qigong and Tai Chi) regarding breath, visualization and relaxation. When I coach vocals or teach guitar or consult bands and venues, I draw from all of these experiences to help my clients produce the best results.


To schedule a vocal lesson with myself please click here; Sign up form!